A little about me

Hi, I'm a Web-Developer living in Mollersdorf, near Tulln an der Donau.

During my education at “Graphische” (department: print and media technology) I found my passion for designing and programming nice applications and websites.

In my leisure time I like to play basketball, go to rock concerts and learning new programming stuff. I’m also a member of the fire department in Gablitz. It makes me proud to help people in dangerous situations.

But my biggest passion is to create beautiful and useful things on the web.


Education & Experience

2019 - TodaySoftware-Developer at Wiener Wohnen Kundenservice GmbH
2015 - 2019IT-Web-Developer at druck.at
2015 - TodayFreelancer partnership with Nahlik IT
2014 - TodayFreelancer partnership with zwinz.wien.werbeagentur
2014 - TodayFreelancer partnership with CROSSMEDIAGROUP
2012Internship at LimeSoda - Interactive Marketing GmbH
2010 - 2015FH St. Pölten, Media technology (Bachelor of Science)
2009Project manager, Quality austria certificate
2008Quality assurance representative, Quality austria certificate
2004-2009Höhere Graphische Bundes-Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt (Department: Print- and Media technology)

Pictures of my life

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